"NIKEE" by Vladimir Zimmerling on the cover of the journal "SOBRANIE" (# 59, 2021)Vladimir Zimmerling. Do not say 'yes' or 'no'. Essays. Moscow, 1999Vladimir Zimmerling. Selected papers. Moscow- St.Petersburg, Nestor-Istoria, 2019.The first page of the first publication of Vladimir Zimmerling's essay 'Measurement', 1993.The final page of the first published version of Vladimir Zimmerling's essay 'Measurement'. Below, the creation date is indicated: 1974, rev. 1975.The booklet for the first personal exhibition of Vladimir Zimmerling. Moscow, 1985.The poster to the exhibition "Dialogues with the ancient masters". Moscow, 2020.


A selection of Vladimir Zimmerling’s books and papers in philosophy and  history of culture




Владимир Циммерлинг.  Да и нет не говорите [Do not say yes or no. A book of essays]. М.: Институт экономики РАН, 1999. 118 c. ISBN 5-201-03330-x.


Владимир Циммерлинг. Избранные работы [Selected papers]. Составление, общая редакция и комментарии А.В.Циммерлинга. М-Спб.: Нестор-История, 2019. 540 с., с ил. ISBN 978-5-4469-1631-3



Papers and essays


Vladimir Zimmerling.  К проблемам самодеятельного творчества [On amateur art] // Художник [Artist], 1974, № 9, pp. 39-41.

Vladimir I. Zimmerling. Промер  [Measurement]// Мандельштамовское общество. Т. 4. Сохрани мою речь, № 2. Сост. О.Лекманов, П.Нерлер. М.: Книжный сад, 1993, pp. 44 ― 57. ISBN 5-85766-020-4

Vladimir I. Zimmerling. Канон и модель [Canonic art and models] // Речевые и ментальные стереотипы в синхронии и диахронии: Тез. конф.   Moscow, Institute of Slavic and Balcanic studies, Russian academy of science, 1995. pp, 139 ― 145. ISBN 5-7576-0012-8

Vladimir I. Zimmerling. Внеиндивидуальное в эстетическом [The superindividual aspect in the  aesthetic phenomena] // Логический анализ языка. Языки эстетики. Сост. и отв.ред. член-корр. РАН Н.Д.Арутюнова [Logical analysis. The languages of aesthetics. Nina D. Arutyunova, ed.]. М.: Индрик, 2004, pp. 30 ― 36. ISBN 5-85759-275-5

Vladimir Zimmerling.  On form and content. Riga, ca. 1950.

Vladimir Zimmerling.  On "realism". Riga, ca.  1950-1952.

Vladimir Zimmerling. Three aspects of an artist. Riga, ca. 1950 - 1954.

Vladimir Zimmerling. Aesthetics and art theory. Riga, ca. 1952 - 1955. 

Vladimir Zimmerling.  The constructive principles of a relief. Riga, ca. 1954 - 1957.

Vladimir Zimmerling. Information and behaviour. Moscow, ca. 1958 - 1965.

Vladimir Zimmerling. Experience. Moscow, 1960-s.

Vladimir Zimmerling. On the premises of classical physics (mechanics). Moscow, 1960-s.

Vladimir Zimmerling.  On abstract art. Moscow, ca. 1960 - 1965.

Vladimir ZImmerling.  A living wonder. Moscow, ca. 1965.  First publication in :  "SOBRANIE. ART and CULTURE",  # 59 (2021), pp. 104-105.

Vladimir Zimmerling.  Being an artist. Moscow, ca. 1965.

Vladimir Zimmerling. Materiality. Moscow, 1960-s.

Vladimir Zimmerling. Happyness. Moscow, ca. 1965.

Vladimir Zimmerling.  A public aesthetics. Moscow, ca 1965 - 1970.

Vladimir Zimmerling. On the programme of  "The Master and Margareth". Moscow, ca  1966 - 1968. 

Vladimir Zimmerling.  A model of conscience. Moscow, early 1970-s.  First publication in: Vladimir Zimmerling. Selected papers. Moscow-St.Peterburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2019, pp. 144- 148.

Vladimir Zimmerling. The compromise. Moscow, 1973.

Vladimir Zimmerling. The future of the country. Moscow, 1992. First publication in.: Vladimir Zimmerling. Do not say "yes" or "no" (№ 29). Moscow,  1999, pp. 104 - 108. Second publication in: Vladimir Zimmerling. Selected papers.  Moscow-St.Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2019, pp. 139 - 142. 

Vladimir Zimmerling.  A consolation of the stoics. Moscow, ca. 2010  - 2011.


Articles about Vladimir Zimmerling


Andrei Batashev. Eyes in love with life. An essay about a young sculptor. APN, 4.XI.1965.

Andrei Batashev.  Sculptor // Soviet life,  1966, № 12,  p. 56-57.

Valentina I.  Борунова. Скульптор Владимир Циммерлинг [Sculptor Vladimir Zimmerling]. М.: Советский художник, 1985.

T. Belskaya. Портреты Циммерлинга [Zimmerling's portraits] // Московский художник [The Moscow artist], 19.07.1983, p. 3.

Myuda N. Jablonskaja.  Художник своего поколения  [An artist of his generation] // Творчество [Creation] 1985, № 8, с. 17.

А.В.Циммерлинг. Делить - профессия моя [My lot is to divide]// Владимир Циммерлинг. Избранные работы. Составление, общая редакция и комментарии А.В.Циммерлинга. М.-Спб.: Нестор-История, 2019, с. 8 ―32.

А.В.Циммерлинг. Родной ландшафт. Владимир Циммерлинг читает стихи и прозу [The native landscape. Vladimir Zimmerling recites poetry and prose] //  Владимир Циммерлинг. Избранные работы. Составление, общая редакция и комментарии А.В.Циммерлинга. М.-Спб.: Нестор-История, 2019, с. 262 ― 270.

Catherina Shmakova. Vladimir Zimmerling. Philosophy in sculpture // Sobranie. Art and culture, # 59 (2021), pp. 86- 103.

Catherina Shmakova. Vladimir Zimmerling. Ahead of his time // Мoscow Sculptor Union. 18.06.2021 

To Vladimir Zimmerling's 90-s year jubilee //Moscow Sculptor Union. 26.08.2021

Vladimir Zimmerling. Four episodes from the life of a sculptor and the life of his country // Moscow Sculptor Union. 09.06.2022

Alisa Belova. Vladimir Zimmerling: To Defend Eternity from Existence  // Moscow Sculptor Union. 03.07.2024

"Do not say "Yes" or "No". Book of essays" (1999)




"Selected papers" (2019)